Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 7 Part 2 - The Rest of Universal

Thanks for coming back after my Harry Potter picture dump!
Now, we didn't spend ALL day at Harry Potter - I could have, but I was outvoted. You can only ride 3 rides so many times...
So, we ventured out around the Island of Adventure.
This theme park had Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, Marvel, Toon Town, and Jurassic Park, all rolled into one.
We skipped Toon Town, but toured the rest of the park in the afternoon.

We started off back in time, visiting the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park.
We rode the raft ride, during which - I ashamedly admit - I kept my eyes closed as soon as we veered off toward the warehouse. I rode the ride when I was little and remembered the T-Rex giving me nightmares for weeks, so I hid my head in my arms like a small child.
Disclaimer: I really, really, really don't like when things jump out of nowhere at me.

After one more quick stop at Harry Potter to do some shopping, 
it was off to Suess!

I've always been a fan of Theodor Seuss Geisel,
also known as Dr. Suess. 
His children's books are all based on his political opinions:
The Sneetchs are WWII,
The Lorax is the environmental concerns,
Suess's Landing on the Islands of Adventure was full of the wacky doodles and rhymes the good doctor was known for:

Next stop, Marvel Comics!
Now, I am not a comic person - I collected Archie and Friends, but never really got into hard-core collecting; I always just picked up the newest edition by the check stand at Safeway.
That being said,
Marvel's park was pretty spectacular.
We rode the Amazing Adventures of Spiderman (a must-do if you're at the park - avoid if you get motion sickness easily though), the Incredible Hulk rollercoaster (even I got sick... and I don't get sick easily), and Storm's Acceleratron (basically, the teacups, X-Men style).

And who doesn't love a roasted turkey leg to settle your stomach at the end of the day?

We made several trips back to Harry Potter World through out the day, riding the dragon ride that had been closed earlier, getting caught in a thunderstorm, enjoying Butterbeer, shopping 'til we (er, make that just me...) ran out of money, sending letters with a Hogsmeade postmark, and enjoying the genius of J.K. Rowling.

Sadly, this was the last of our adventure - we flew home the day after this, with no pictures to document the travelling. 
Thanks for enjoying my adventures with me!

All pictures taken by my family.
Please ask permission before using.

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